Our virtual two-and-a-half-hour learn-by-doing introduction to Gamestorming through the exploration of a relevant and complex topic.


The Excursion is a single-day, two-and-a-half-hour course. Click the calendar to see upcoming dates & to register.

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future Gamestorming offerings

Looking for a different workshop?

The Excursion

  • 2.5 hours of live class time with a master Gamestormer, including 30 minutes of Office Hours after each session

  • Meet and network with Gamestormers around the world

  • Take home a complete, new workshop agenda - Exploring Our Hybrid Environment - for immediate use with your team or clients

  • Learn techniques to make your work and meetings more creative, collaborative and fun

  • Hands-on experience with popular online collaborative tools

  • Post-session emails summarizing the lessons learned, key discussions points, resources referenced and homework assignments due


  • $48 / person


Excursions last for 2.5 hours and we update our calendar regularly


We’re still all virtual - we’ll send you the links when you register

This was the first time I felt our team truly collaborated since the pandemic hit. The time flew by
— Expeditioner

You might consider an Excursion if…


  • Online meetings have become exhausting instead of energizing

  • Your working through what Hybrid means for you and your team

  • You’re looking for ways to help yourself, your team or your clients predict & prepare for uncertainties ahead

  • You’d like to bring more collaboration and creativity into your professional environment

  • You’re tired of the status quo

    Networking with a global community and gaining new perspective inspires you

  • You’d like to make sure the work continues after your workshop or meeting ends

  • You’re looking for ways to flatten the room and engage all voices and personality types

  • You’re curious about different ways of collaborating online, or wondering if it can be done at all

  • You want to get shit done and have fun doing it!

As the business landscape and our working world become increasingly complex, we must develop techniques to navigate uncertainty and keep work engaging, creative and fun. 

Gamestorming enables you to bring more creativity, collaboration and fun to your work, your meetings and workshops while still getting the work done!

We’re wired visual thinkers. Learn how to tap into your Extended Mind to make your meetings and workshops more creative and innovative.


Gamestorming offered us a vehicle of true engagement. Everyone’s voice was heard. Everyone participated. We had fun. There was real collaboration. This is what I am striving for as a manager
— Expeditioner