Gamestorm in the cloud

Templates for virtual collaboration

Gamestorming teamed up with Coda to support remote meeting participation
Hello, Gamestormers!

We're proud to announce a collaboration with - makers of a new kind of doc, and Gamestormers themselves - on a series of Gamestorming templates intended to address a use case we're always searching for a better answer to: how to incorporate virtual meeting participants?
The SWOT analysis in Coda format. The full library to the left.  
The SWOT analysis in Coda format. The full library to the left.  
Gamestorming was created to democratize the creative process, using materials found in a typical office supply closet. These new templates digitize some of the most popular and fundamental Gamestorming games for off-the-shelf use: a virtual supply closet necessary for the dynamic, virtual and often remote working landscape we navigate today. 

Feedback, please! As with all things Gamestorming, these templates will benefit from iteration. We would love to know what you think. 
Take me to the Templates
About Coda
Coda started in 2014 with a simple observation: In a world full of pre-built tools and applications, why do documents and spreadsheets seem to run the world? The founding Coda team crossed paths at Google, YouTube, and Microsoft, where they saw their teams stretch the limits of what spreadsheets and documents can do. Then in 2014, they banded together to build the doc they always wanted. One that erased the boundaries between words and data. And where everyone could work together, in their own way, off the same data.

Do you need facilitation?, looking for training? Get in touch.

Have you designed a game like Jorge's? Do you have a great exercise or tool to add to our toolkit? Submit a new game.

Don't like forms? Reply directly to the email! 

Or forward to someone you think would find it useful. 

Happy Gamestorming!
Copyright © 2019 Gamestorming Headquarters, All rights reserved.


Facilitator or Magician


I do not think that word means what you think it means!