Every project has stakeholders

Find yours to have the best chance of success

a colorful stakeholder map showing relationships and attitudes
Hello, Gamestormers!

"Customer-centric" is having a moment in business-speak, bordering on pedantic. But it's fundamental to design thinking for good reason. Identifying and analyzing stakeholders is a great way to begin a meeting, a workshop or ensure your project's success

With that in mind, we happily introduce a new game to the site. Friend or Foe?, developed by Yura Malishenko, guides you through a fun and lightweight process of stakeholder analysis. Because of its applicability and straightforward design, we added it to the Facilitator Resource section; it's hard to think of a project that wouldn't benefit from its play. Get to know this one, there will be plenty of opportunities to grab a marker and start mapping. 
Take me to Friend or Foe?

Have you designed a game like Yura's?, do you need facilitation?, looking for training? Get in touch.

Got a great exercise or tool to add to our toolkit? Submit a new game.

Don't like forms? Reply directly to the email! 

Or forward to someone you think would find it useful. 

Happy Gamestorming!
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I do not think that word means what you think it means!


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