Remember your first time?

Hello, Gamestormers!

How are you? The warming weather in New York is pulling people from their shelter to the sidewalks and parks; mostly masked. Shops and cafes slowly show signs of life with soft re-openings for take-away & delivery only. The solidarity of sheltering in place is giving way to Spring and seven weeks of isolation frustration. Without a curve to flatten, New Yorkers want out! 
The COVID Loop

And while I have been staying in, I haven't been consistently productive. Creative output for me comes in periodic spurts, followed by ones of boredom, exhaustion and frustration, often accompanied by a feeling of guilt. I finally got around to mapping (the loop above) what I'd known for so long, sparked by a recent comment from a friend: 
I notice two extreme messages in my social media streams:
  1. Be productive, start something new, achieve that big goal (i.e. you're wasting precious time!)
  2. Don't worry about productivity, focus on coping (i.e. survival is all that matters)
These don't need to be mutually exclusive states; more importantly, they're fluid. 

My friend's easy candor impressed and relieved me. It's comforting that others feel similarly and to have mapped out the process; to know that the lows are more of a recharging than a never-to-be-filled-again empty tank. It's OK to be where you are. 
A turn towards productivity

I'd like to create a collection of facilitation advice, which I will aggregate, publish and share with you - this has the potential to become an extremely helpful resource for facilitators of any experience. 

What's your best piece of advice for someone preparing to facilitate for the first time? 
Share your wisdom
The idea was sparked from a class I'm planning to guest-lecture. The students are preparing for their first facilitation assignment and their professor commented most of them are a bit nervous. I think we can help put them at ease, and make their first time one worth remembering. 
Coming soon

Tuesday afternoon I'm interviewing Sir Andrew Likierman, author of the Harvard Business Review piece, The Elements of Good Judgement. I'll publish the audio alongside a game we're working on having to do with decision making. Pass along any questions you have on the article or the topic. 

Be well & happy Gamestorming!
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We published your advice


What’s your story’s shape?