What’s your story’s shape?

Hello, Gamestormers!

I hope this finds you well. We're entering week #6 of our collective isolation. A note received today from a friend: 

I’m doing alright! Every week I feel like I’m getting used to this new lifestyle, and every week I feel like I’m not quite there.


Hang in there, we're figuring this out as we go; there's no manual. Just like anything else, the first version is rarely the right one. Keep observing, wondering, learning & iterating. 

You can always reach out if you want to talk. 
Schedule a call
Story shapes
The image up top is taken from a Kurt Vonnegut lecture on the shapes stories take. Dave Gray shared it with me as the inspiration for a retrospective activity he developed. Try this by yourself, with your family, with your team. It should take about 20 minutes. 
  1. Draw your game board.
    1. Vertical axis: Good Fortune (GF) - Ill Fortune (IF).
    2. Horizontal axis: Beginning (B) - End (E) - define the time period as you wish. 
  2. On a separate piece of paper, take 3 minutes and silently brainstorm everything that's happened in that time. Write down the big things, little things, ups, downs, highs, lows, feelings, accomplishments, milestones, decisions, learnings, technology, people. 
  3. Place items from your list on the game board. You define GF & IF, but keep consistency. 
  4. What do you notice? Themes? Trends? Insights? 
  5. What will you start, stop, continue doing? 
  6. Share. Or don't. 

Be well & happy Gamestorming!
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