From KPIs to AI

Hello, Gamestormers!

I hope this finds you well. I continue to have conversations with Gamestormers all over the world looking to share insights and make the best our collective situation. You're amazing. 
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Echoes of normalcy

Amidst all this change, we're happy to share with you a new game. 

Bring Your Own Dashboard began as an attempt to explore how Gamestorming might overlap with the popular topic of artificial intelligence (AI). Along the way, we met up with MIT Research Fellow Michael Schrage, who joined us for a conversation that ultimately sparked this game. We published the interview audio alongside the game to give it more context; to let you hear directly from an expert in the field so that you might take the game in your own direction. 

A quick description
In our data-rich world, your strategy is what your KPIs say it is. Teams often try to maximize KPIs in the absence of understanding their impact. This exercise clarifies the ripple effects strategies have on each other and surfaces considerations for when Optimization should trump Maximization. 

We're in the process of doing more of these types of games involving current research or popular topics. If there's something you think we should explore, let us know. 
To the game
The more things change the more they stay the same
Arrowheads facing each other, overlapping
Last week I blindly pulled this framework card off the top of a pile next to my desk. The first thing I saw was meetings: virtual v. in-person. Yes, they're different but they're more the same. Now that I've seen it, the framework has become difficult to unsee. With all that's going on, all the change, things seemingly going in opposite directions, sameness exists. Finding it was grounding, orienting and relieving.  

Be well & happy Gamestorming!
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What’s your story’s shape?


What exactly is a meeting?